Interface GenerateOptions

The options for the EPUB generator.

interface GenerateOptions {
    checkPasswordOnly?: boolean;
    checkSignature?: boolean;
    commentEncoding?: string;
    extractAppendedData?: boolean;
    extractPrependedData?: boolean;
    filenameEncoding?: string;
    log?: Log;
    passThrough?: boolean;
    password?: string;
    preventClose?: boolean;
    rawPassword?: Uint8Array;
    signal?: AbortSignal;
    transferStreams?: boolean;
    useCompressionStream?: boolean;
    useWebWorkers?: boolean;
    decodeText?(value: Uint8Array, encoding: string): undefined | string;


  • Omit<ZipReaderConstructorOptions, "keepOrder" | "level">
    • GenerateOptions


checkPasswordOnly?: boolean

true to check only if the password is valid.

checkSignature?: boolean

true to check the signature of the entry.

commentEncoding?: string

The encoding of the comment of the entry.

extractAppendedData?: boolean

true to extract the appended data into ZipReader#appendedData.

extractPrependedData?: boolean

true to extract the prepended data into ZipReader#prependedData.

filenameEncoding?: string

The encoding of the filename of the entry.

log?: Log

The logger for logging messages.

passThrough?: boolean

true to read the data as-is without decompressing it and without decrypting it.

password?: string

The password used to decrypt the content of the entry.

preventClose?: boolean

true to prevent closing of Writer#writable when calling Entry#getData.

rawPassword?: Uint8Array

The password used to encrypt the content of the entry (raw).

signal?: AbortSignal

The AbortSignal instance used to cancel the decompression.

transferStreams?: boolean

true to transfer streams to web workers when decompressing data.

useCompressionStream?: boolean

true to use the native API CompressionStream/DecompressionStream to compress/decompress data.

useWebWorkers?: boolean

true to use web workers to compress/decompress data in non-blocking background processes.



  • Decodes the filename and the comment of the entry.


    • value: Uint8Array

      The raw text value.

    • encoding: string

      The encoding of the text.

    Returns undefined | string

    The decoded text value or undefined if the raw text value should be decoded by zip.js.