Interface EpubStructure

The structure of an EPUB book.

interface EpubStructure {
    META_INF: {
        container.xml: string;
    } & EntryObject<unknown>;
    mimetype?: string;
    OEBPS: {
        content.opf: string;
        nav.xhtml: string;
        toc.ncx: string;
    } & EntryObject<unknown>;


    container.xml: string;
} & EntryObject<unknown>

The META-INF directory of the EPUB book.

Type declaration

mimetype?: string

The mimetype of the EPUB book.

    content.opf: string;
    nav.xhtml: string;
    toc.ncx: string;
} & EntryObject<unknown>

The OEBPS directory of the EPUB book.

Type declaration

  • content.opf: string

    The content.opf file. It contains the metadata and manifest of the EPUB book.

  • nav.xhtml: string

    The nav.xhtml file. It contains the navigation of the EPUB book. This file is included for compatibility with EPUB 3.

  • toc.ncx: string

    The toc.ncx file. It contains the table of contents of the EPUB book. This file is included for compatibility with EPUB 2.