Interface MetadataNode

The metadata of the book.

interface MetadataNode {
    additional?: Record<string, string>;
    author: string;
    contributor?: string | string[];
    coverage?: string;
    date?: string;
    description: string;
    format?: string;
    id: string;
    identifier?: string | string[];
    language?: string | string[];
    publisher?: string | string[];
    relation?: string | string[];
    rights?: string | string[];
    source?: string | string[];
    subject?: string | string[];
    title: string;
    type: Metadata;

Hierarchy (view full)


additional?: Record<string, string>

Additional metadata key-value pairs.

author: string

The author of the text.

contributor?: string | string[]

A person or organization that contributed to the creation of the text.

coverage?: string

The spatial or temporal coverage of the text

date?: string

The date the text was published or created.

description: string

A brief description of the text.

format?: string

The format of the text.

id: string

The unique identifier of the node.

identifier?: string | string[]

A unique identifier for the text. This is usually an ISBN.

language?: string | string[]

The language of the text.

publisher?: string | string[]

The publisher of the text. This is usually the name of the publishing company.

relation?: string | string[]

A related resource.

rights?: string | string[]

Information about the rights held in and over the text..

source?: string | string[]

The source of the text.

subject?: string | string[]

The subject of the text.

title: string

The title of the text.

type: Metadata

The type of the node.